Friday, August 23, 2013

How about some chocolate with those veggies?

As was evidenced by my earlier carrot cake post, sometimes I like a little dessert with my vegetables.  I had two smaller zucchinis from my share two weeks ago that I really wanted to use before they went bad and I am a huge fan of zucchini bread, so I figured that would be a good way to use them.  After a quick internet recipe search I realized a CHOCOLATE zucchini bread could be nothing less than perfect.

The recipe I used is quick and simple.  It says it's enough batter for 2, 8x4" loaves, but I just made one huge loaf instead because I only have one pan and didn't want to keep my oven on for 2 hours.  I didn't even taste the final product before bringing it in to the office on Thursday, but my colleagues gave it rave reviews. 

Side Note: I totally read the ingredients list too quickly and put in 1 tsp of baking powder instead of only 1/4 of a tsp.  I expected disastrous results and was relived when it baked properly and was still tasty.

I wonder how many of these loaves I could make with the insanely huge zucchini that came in my share this week!!!

Side Note 2:  I am going to be house sitting for the next two weeks so I'm not sure what my cooking abilities are going to be like.  I have some plans for meals I want to make, just not sure what my new temporary situation will be like.  Keep visiting to see!


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