Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Week 14 - A Small Share This Week

Hi friends!
Ok, so after what feels like forever, I am back to normal!  The ex has moved out, I am home from house sitting and I can get back into my cooking routine.  One small hiccup is that with the breakup, I lost custody of quite a few kitchen accessories.  It'll take awhile to replace everything, but I've already got a new, wooden cutting steps, right?

It turns out I made another meal while I was house sitting that never made its way into the blog - oops!  I'll be posting that as well as two eggplant-based meals in the coming days so please stay tuned.  One big thing I should let you know, is that I've been using a lot of my items on boring, non-post worthy stuff (using the tomatoes in salads and eating peppers with hummus for lunch).  Just because I haven't documented everything here doesn't mean I haven't been enjoying the veggie goodness!!!

The one downside of being home is that my kitchen doesn't get nearly the same amount of amazing natural sunlight as the place I was house sitting so my photos are back to looking a little darker then they were the past few weeks.

This week my share included:
  • Bok Choi
  • Broccoli
  • Corn on the Cob
  • Leeks
  • Oregano
  • Sweet Peppers
  • Tomatoes

As always, I am over the moon excited about all the tomatoes and corn on the cob.  The little baby heirloom tomatoes are so yummy to just eat like candy and make a great little snack.  The corn is so great and fresh and I love nothing more than cooking it up simply and chowing down!  Why mess with perfection, right!?

All season long I've had trouble with bok choi.  The first batch I got went bad before I could use it and the second, I gave to my brother.  I am determined to actually make something with it this time!  I think it might be time to make a great stir fry, especially since I have broccoli and peppers from my share to play with too.

Now onto my Veggie Person of the Week!  If you're reading from Boston you know that after a gorgeous few fall days the temperatures skyrocketed and hit a whopping 97 degrees.  I think it's safe to say, this was probably the last really summery day we'll have until next season so I was inspired to channel the summer one last time and created Sally Sweet Pepper!

I realized after I created the Vine and Instagram that the underside of the pepper is red (I put the red side down so her red sunglasses would really pop), but if you look at her from the side it looks like she has a sunburn!


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